
YouTubePlayer.EmbedandcontrolYouTubevideosinyouriOSapplications!Neato,right?Let'sseehowitworks.Example.,ASwift-basedvideoplayerinspiredbyYouTube.BasedonSwiftYouTubeFloatingPlayer.Features.Interactive,dragtominimize,swipetodismiss;Supports ...,ASwiftfloating/draggableplayerlikeYouTubethatremainsontopofallscreensuntilit'sremoved.BasedonPlayerViewandDraggableYoutubeFloatingVideo.,ASwiftfloatingpl...


YouTubePlayer. Embed and control YouTube videos in your iOS applications! Neato, right? Let's see how it works. Example.

YouTubeFloatingPlayer on CocoaPods.org

A Swift-based video player inspired by YouTube. Based on SwiftYouTubeFloatingPlayer. Features. Interactive, drag to minimize, swipe to dismiss; Supports ...

Swift floating video player like YouTube

A Swift floating/draggable player like YouTube that remains on top of all screens until it's removed. Based on PlayerView and DraggableYoutubeFloatingVideo.


A Swift floating player like YouTube player, using AVPlayer. I've imported AVKit and tried to make a custom player. It's Based on DraggableYoutubeFloatingVideo.

A Swift floating player like YouTube player

2020年7月23日 — Floating-Player. A Swift floating player like YouTube player, using AVPlayer. I've imported AVKit and tried to make a custom player.

Explore Youtube iOS app architecture

2022年10月2日 — Floating Video player. In the first section, We have seen how the video player is able to float on the top. In this part, I analyze further how ...

floating video player like youtube player

2015年11月23日 — I made a very similar one in Swift. It's draggable and you can customize it. It's avaiable on SwiftYouTubeFloatingPlayer. Hope it helps you! – ...

Play videos on a streaming mini window at the bottom of ...

2016年4月1日 — DraggableYoutubeFloatingVideo allows you to play videos on a floating mini window at the bottom of your screen from sites like YouTube,facebook.

[iOS] Explore Youtube app layout structure

2019年4月1日 — The middle one, YTNGWatchLayerViewController acts as a floating video layer. The top one, YTPivotBarViewController is the bottom menu bar. This ...